Embergard Nemesis Deck Library

Navigate below to explore the Warhammer Underworlds Nemesis Deck Library. We’ll start with a deck for each warband, but we’re looking forward to seeing what the community adds! Let us know if you have a deck you want to see added or have any other feedback (email or Discord)!

New to the game or just returning? Check out the following resources:

Looking for the old library? Click here.

Grand Alliance
Rivals Deck
Blazing Assault
Emberstone Sentinels
PiIllage and Plunder
Countdown to Cataclysm
Reckless Fury
Wrack & Ruin
Deck Archetype
Take and Hold
World Championship ’24

Chaos Warbands

Spiteclaw’s Swarm

Spiteclaw’s Swarm (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder) by Pawel M. (World Championship ’24)

The Dread Pageant

Dread Pageant (Blazing Assault + Wrack & Ruin) by Caelan “Caelan_TGM” H.

Khagra’s Ravagers

Khagra’s Ravagers (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Alessandro V. (World Championship ’24)

Khagra’s Ravagers (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder) by Zack N. (World Championship ’24)

Gorechosen of Dromm

Gorechosen of Dromm (Countdown to Cataclysm + Reckless Fury) by Matteo Z. (2nd Place, World Championship ’24)

Gorechosen of Dromm (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by James W. & Daniel M. (3rd & 5th Place, World Championship ’24)

Gorechosen of Dromm (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by Maksym Z. (4th Place, World Championship ’24)

Ephilim’s Pandaemonium

Ephilim’s Pandaemonium (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Bobby H. (World Championship ’24)

The Thricefold Discord

Thricefold Discord (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by Daniele “goro83” G. (1st Place, World Championship ’24)

Zikkit’s Tunnelpack

The Treasure was All Mine (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder – Zikkit’s Tunnelpack) by Josh (Games Workshop)

Delving to the Rataclysm (Pillage & Plunder + Countdown to Cataclysm – Zikkit’s Tunnelpack) by Jake | Starting Hex (Goonhammer)

Hold-Claim, Yes-Yes (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder – Zikkit’s Tunnelpack) by Battle Mallet

Sentinels of the Rataclysm (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – Zikkit’s Tunnelpack) by David M. (1st Place, Nov ’24 WHW Clash)

Grandfather’s Gardeners

Green Thumb of Ruin (Emberstone Sentinels + Wrack & Ruin – Grandfather’s Gardeners) by Battle Mallet

Death Warbands

The Grymwatch

The Grahamwatch (Pillage & Plunder + Countdown to Cataclysm – The Grymwatch) by Graham M. (World Championship ’24)

The Crimson Court

Death’s Domain (Blazing Assault + Emberstone Sentinels) by Battle Mallet

Kainan’s Reapers

Kainan’s Reapers (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder) by Mark “Baconborne” B. | Path to Glory (World Championship ’24)

Sepulchral Guard

Shock & Hold (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – Sepulchral Guard) by Battle Mallet

Sepulchral Guard (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder) by Aaron M. (World Championship ’24)

The Headsmen’s Curse

The Headsmen’s Curse (Reckless Fury + Wrack & Ruin) by Kevin S. (World Championship ’24)

Zondara’s Gravebreakers

Zondara’s Gravebreakers 2.0 (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder) by Battle Mallet

Thorns of the Briar Queen

Shuffle All the Way Home (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – Thorns of the Briar Queen) by Battle Mallet

The Skinnerkin

Hell’s Kitchen (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury – The Skinnerkin) by Battle Mallet

Destruction Warbands

Zarbag’s Gitz

Zarbag’s Gitz (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder) by Julian G. (World Championship ’24)

Morgok’s Krushas

Chargin’ (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury – Morgok’s Krushas) by Battle Mallet

Da Kunnin’ Krew

Da Final Kountdown (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm – Da Kunnin’ Krew) by Battle Mallet

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers

I’m the Troll Now (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder – Blackpowder’s Buccaneers) by Battle Mallet

Grinkrak’s Looncourt

I’m gonna Gitz ya (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury – Grinkrak’s Looncourt) by Battle Mallet

Daggok’s Stab-ladz

Schemin’ Delvin’ (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder – Daggok’s Stab-ladz) by Battle Mallet

Mollog’s Mob

Swing for the Fences (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm – Mollog’s Mob) by Battle Mallet

Order Warbands

Thundrick’s Profiteers

Gold!!!!! (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – Thundrick’s Profiteers) by Battle Mallet

Ylthari’s Guardians

Ylthari’s Guardians (Pillage & Plunder + Reckless Fury) by Skyler “OmniOps” S. | What the Hex?! (World Championship ’24)

Ironsoul’s Condemnors

Ironsoul’s Condemnors (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by Gareth O. (World Championship ’24)

Myari’s Purifiers

Myari’s Purifiers (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Aman K. | Path to Glory (World Championship ’24)

Hexbane’s Hunters

Hexin’ and Flexin’ (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder – Hexbane’s Hunters) by Battle Mallet

The Farstriders

Far-strike-ers (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm – Farstriders) by Battle Mallet

Cyreni’s Razors

Razor’s Edge (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm – Cyreni’s Razors) by Battle Mallet

Brethren of the Bolt

Reckless Shocker (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury – Brethren of the Bolt) by Battle Mallet

The Emberwatch

Blood & Plunder (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder – The Emberwatch) by Nick (Games Workshop)

The Emberguard (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder – The Emberwatch) by Jake | Starting Hex (Goonhammer)

Strike & Hold (Blazing Assault + Emberstone Sentinels – The Emberwatch) by Battle Mallet

The Jaws of Itzl

Everything is Jawsome (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury – Jaws of Itzl) by Battle Mallet