Embergard Nemesis Deck Library
Navigate below to explore the Warhammer Underworlds Nemesis Deck Library. We’ll start with a deck for each warband, but we’re looking forward to seeing what the community adds! Let us know if you have a deck you want to see added or have any other feedback (email or Discord)!
New to the game or just returning? Check out the following resources:
- The lightweight buyer’s guide on our blog.
- The new player guide on Spent Glory.
- The returning player guide on Spent Glory.
Looking for the old library? Click here.
Decks Illegal for Organized Play
Any decks with Forsaken cards or too many Restricted cards (see the Organized Play document in the Underworlds downloads from Warhammer Community) will have a warning icon () and will need to be edited before they are legal for organized play.
Click the icons and buttons below to filter the library!
Chaos Warbands
Spiteclaw’s Swarm
Spiteclaw’s Swarm (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder) by Pawel M. (World Championship ’24)
The Dread Pageant
Dread Pageant (Blazing Assault + Wrack & Ruin) by Caelan “Caelan_TGM” H.
Dread Pageant (Countdown to Cataclysm + Wrack & Ruin) by Michael “Fishmode” F. (2nd Place, LVO ’25) | SpentGlory / Underworlds Underground
- Read the Deck Guide on Spent Glory
Khagra’s Ravagers
Khagra’s Ravagers (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Alessandro V. (World Championship ’24)
Khagra’s Ravagers (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder) by Zack N. (World Championship ’24)
- Read the Deck Guide on the Battle Mallet blog
Khagra’s Ravagers (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Jesse H. (4th Place, LVO ’25)
- Read the related blog on Spent Glory
Gorechosen of Dromm
Gorechosen of Dromm (Countdown to Cataclysm + Reckless Fury) by Matteo Z. (2nd Place, World Championship ’24)
Gorechosen of Dromm (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by James W. & Daniel M. (3rd & 5th Place, World Championship ’24)
Gorechosen of Dromm (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by Maksym Z. (4th Place, World Championship ’24)
Gorechosen of Dromm (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by JarosÅ‚aw K. (12th Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
Ephilim’s Pandaemonium
Ephilim’s Pandaemonium (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Bobby H. (World Championship ’24)
The Thricefold Discord
Thricefold Discord (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by Daniele “goro83” G. (1st Place, World Championship ’24)
Thricefold Discord (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Filip I. (5th Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
Zikkit’s Tunnelpack
The Treasure was All Mine (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder – Zikkit’s Tunnelpack) by Josh (Games Workshop)
- Read Josh’s write-up on the Warhammer Community site.
Delving to the Rataclysm (Pillage & Plunder + Countdown to Cataclysm – Zikkit’s Tunnelpack) by Jake | Starting Hex (Goonhammer)
- Read Jake’s write-up in the Starting Hex blog.
Hold-Claim, Yes-Yes (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder – Zikkit’s Tunnelpack) by Battle Mallet
Sentinels of the Rataclysm (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – Zikkit’s Tunnelpack) by David M. (1st Place, Nov ’24 WHW Clash)
Zikkit’s Tunnelpack (Countdown to Cataclysm + Wrack & Ruin) by Andrew M. (1st Place, LVO ’25)
Zikkit’s Tunnelpack (Blazing Assault + Pillage and Plunder) by Nico V. (WHW Clash Feb’ 25)
Grandfather’s Gardeners
Green Thumb of Ruin (Emberstone Sentinels + Wrack & Ruin – Grandfather’s Gardeners) by Battle Mallet
Good Soup (Pillage & Plunder + Countdown to Cataclysm – Grandfather’s Gardeners) by Brandon C. (6th Place, LVO ’25)
Green Fingers (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – Grandfather’s Gardeners) by Rhys F-R (11th Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
Death Warbands
The Grymwatch
The Grahamwatch (Pillage & Plunder + Countdown to Cataclysm – The Grymwatch) by Graham M. (World Championship ’24)
On a Blaze Edge (Blazing Assault + Edge of the Knife – The Grymwatch) by Battle Mallet
Volomir’s Grym 15 (Pillage & Plunder + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Volomir (1st Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
- Read the interview with Volomir on Critico y Culo
The Crimson Court
Death’s Domain (Blazing Assault + Emberstone Sentinels) by Battle Mallet
Crimson Court (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Adam P. (WHW Clash Feb ’25)
Kainan’s Reapers
Kainan’s Reapers (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder) by Mark “Baconborne” B. | Path to Glory (World Championship ’24)
Sepulchral Guard
Shock & Hold (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – Sepulchral Guard) by Battle Mallet
Sepulchral (Ember)Guard (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder) by Aaron M. (World Championship ’24)
- Read the Love Letter on SpentGlory.com
Sepulchral Guard (Countdown to Cataclysm + Wrack & Ruin) by Michal T. (13th Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
The Headsmen’s Curse
The Headsmen’s Curse (Reckless Fury + Wrack & Ruin) by Kevin S. (World Championship ’24)
Zondara’s Gravebreakers
Zondara’s Gravebreakers 2.0 (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder) by Battle Mallet
Zondara’s Gravebreakers (Pillage & Plunder + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Murray P. (6th Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
Zondara’s Gravebreakers (Pillage & Plunder + Countdown to Cataclysm) by silvestrepl (7th Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
Zondara’s Gravebreakers (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder) by Michal Z. (8th Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
Thorns of the Briar Queen
Shuffle All the Way Home (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – Thorns of the Briar Queen) by Battle Mallet
The Skinnerkin
Hell’s Kitchen (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury – The Skinnerkin) by Battle Mallet
Destruction Warbands
Zarbag’s Gitz
Zarbag’s Blazing Plunder (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder) by Julian G. (World Championship ’24)
- Read the Love Letter on SpentGlory.com
Gitz Stuck In (Emberstone Sentinels + Edge of the Knife – Zarbag’s Gitz) by Battle Mallet
Zarbag’s Gitz (Pillage & Plunder + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Pincel F. (3rd Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
Zarbag’s Gitz (Pillage & Plunder + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Stefan V. (4th Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
Morgok’s Krushas
Chargin’ (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury – Morgok’s Krushas) by Battle Mallet
Morgok’s Krushas (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Michael K. (1st Place, Warzone Atlanta ’25)
Da Kunnin’ Krew
Da Final Kountdown (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm – Da Kunnin’ Krew) by Battle Mallet
Take Dere Loot (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder – Da Kunnin’ Krew) by Ross R. (LVO ’25)
Blackpowder’s Buccaneers
I’m the Troll Now (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder – Blackpowder’s Buccaneers) by Battle Mallet
Grinkrak’s Looncourt
I’m gonna Gitz ya (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury – Grinkrak’s Looncourt) by Battle Mallet
Daggok’s Stab-ladz
Schemin’ Delvin’ (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder – Daggok’s Stab-ladz) by Battle Mallet
Mollog’s Mob
Swing for the Fences (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm – Mollog’s Mob) by Battle Mallet
Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz
Temper Tantrum (Reckless Fury + Edge of the Knife – Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz) by Battle Mallet
Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz (Pillage & Plunder + Edge of the Knife) by Battle Mallet
Order Warbands
Thundrick’s Profiteers
Gold!!!!! (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – Thundrick’s Profiteers) by Battle Mallet
Thundrick’s Hostile Takeover (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder – Thundrick’s Profiteers) by Zack Newcome
- Read the Love Letter on SpentGlory.com
Thundrick’s Profiteers (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Dan K. (10th Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
Thundrick’s Profiteers (Pillage & Plunder + Wrack & Ruin) by ZackNewcome (1st Place, Cherokee Open ’25)
- Read the Deck Guide and Tournament Report on our blog
Ylthari’s Guardians
Ylthari’s Guardians (Pillage & Plunder + Reckless Fury) by Skyler “OmniOps” S. | What the Hex?! (World Championship ’24)
Ylthari’s Guardians (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Aaron M. (8th Place, WHW Clash, Feb ’25)
Ironsoul’s Condemnors
Ironsoul’s Condemnors (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by Gareth O. (World Championship ’24)
Ironsoul’s Condemnors (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by Gareth O. (LVO ’25)
Myari’s Purifiers
Myari’s Purifiers (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Aman K. | Path to Glory (World Championship ’24)
Myari’s Purifiers (Blazing Assault + Emberstone Sentinels) by Adi E. (3rd Place, LVO ’25)
- Read the related blog on Spent Glory.
Hexbane’s Hunters
Hexin’ and Flexin’ (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder – Hexbane’s Hunters) by Battle Mallet
Delving and Edging (Pillage & Plunder + Edge of the Knife – Hexbane’s Hunters) by Battle Mallet
The Farstriders
Far-strike-ers (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm – Farstriders) by Battle Mallet
Cyreni’s Razors
Razor’s Edge (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm – Cyreni’s Razors) by Battle Mallet
Countdown to Hammertide (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – Cyreni’s Razors) by Michael K. | Staggerers
- Read the Love Letter on SpentGlory.com
Cyreni’s Razors (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm) by Laura B. | The Magmahold (WHW Clash Feb ’25)
- Read Laura’s event write-up
Brethren of the Bolt
Reckless Shocker (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury – Brethren of the Bolt) by Battle Mallet
The Emberwatch
Blood & Plunder (Blazing Assault + Pillage & Plunder – The Emberwatch) by Nick (Games Workshop)
- Read Nick’s write-up on the Warhammer Community site.
The Emberguard (Emberstone Sentinels + Pillage & Plunder – The Emberwatch) by Jake | Starting Hex (Goonhammer)
- Read Jake’s write-up in the Starting Hex blog.
Strike & Hold (Blazing Assault + Emberstone Sentinels – The Emberwatch) by Battle Mallet
Embersauce (Emberstone Sentinels + Countdown to Cataclysm – The Emberwatch) by Andy “Hammersauce”
- Read the Love Letter on SpentGlory.com
The Jaws of Itzl
Everything is Jawsome (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury – Jaws of Itzl) by Battle Mallet
Jaws of Itzl (Blazing Assault + Reckless Fury) by Lucas D. (5th Place, LVO ’25)
Teeth Like Daggers (Wrack & Ruin + Edge of the Knife – Jaws of Itzl) by Battle Mallet
Jaws of Schnitzl (Blazing Assault + Countdown to Cataclysm – Jaws of Itzl) by Valentin H. (2nd Place, WHW Clash Feb ’25)
- Read the Love Letter on SpentGlory.com